Travel diaries of my treks in autonomy over several days, 4WD road trips, in countries like North or South America or even the deserts of Kalahari or Namib
Adventurer traveler, admirer of the great wild spaces of South America in Patagonia at the extreme north of this same continent in Alaska, on the continental country of Australia, passing through southern Africa through these different components Botswana, Namibia and South Africa with the common Kalahari Desert. They are also trekking experiences on the 'new lands' in New Zealand and New Caledonia. Other desert experiences in Morocco, Oman, Mauritania. Northern Europe (Estonia, Ireland, Norway and Eastern Europe (Poland, Bulgaria) Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal). Mountains in the Alps, Corsica, India and the high mountain in Ecuador on the summit of Chimborazo (6263m).